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Boungiorno! I’m Eric Jasper, and I’m glad to have you aboard my dating tips site! It’s my mission here to provide you only the best, most informative material and dating advice for men. Once we get...
View ArticleTurn Yourself Into a Sexy Man
One of the mistakes I made a long time ago was that I tried to get girls by being really nice and friendly… and I kept ending up in the friend zone. Girls would tell me I was a great guy but they just...
View ArticleGet Good at Picking Up Women
So, being sexy is cool and all that, but once you get sexy, you’ve kinda got to DO something with that sexiness. Enter picking up girls. I didn’t start out wanting to be one of those guys roaming the...
View ArticleTexting Girls Effectively
Once you’ve met a girl (or two!), the next step is usually doing all the follow up work and getting her out on a date. And that’s one of the things that I used to always do TERRIBLE at. I’d get into...
View ArticleGetting Girls to Like You
Knowing how to get girls is one of those things that is at once a little easier than some might think — and a little more complicated than others might suppose. For me, the learning curve was a little...
View ArticleBeat Your Fear of Talking to Women
When you’re out there regularly meeting new women and talking to new girls, it can be sometimes downright scary and intimidating. I know for me, when I first started going out specifically to meet...
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